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Student of FEBI as the champion of islamic economic olympiad 2014 in Yogyakarta

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Student of FEBI as the champion of islamic economic olympiad 2014 in Yogyakarta

Temu Ilmiah Regional (TEMILREG) is an annual event for islamic economics student at university in region area that consist of seminar and competitions. TEMILREG Yogyakarta held on 15-16 February 2014 in Faculty of Economy Indonesia Islamic University, it held by an islamic economics organization called Forum Studi Ekonomi Islam (FOSSEI) Yogyakarta. This event has purposes to increase ukhuwah among islamic economics student and also to examine knowledge and explore islamic economics science from students. it becomes a great moment for econom rabbani that attended that event.
There are four categories of competitions, they are islamic economics olympiad, oration, poster, and writing. This agenda has a big theme “Synergy between islamic economics institution facing asean economic community 2015”, beside seminar and competition, this event also as follow up of shariah economics training 2013 by adding forum group discussion after seminar.
This agenda followed by seven universities that join in Kelompok Studi Ekonomi Islam (KSEI), they are ForSEI UIN Sunan Kalijaga, SEF UGM, CIES UNY, UPN, FKAI dan IESC UII, FIES UMY, AsSET STEI Yogyakarta and RELIEF STEI Hamfara. Olympiad is the best competition that waited among students, the reason is that olympiad only can be followed by the student who has followed SET and there are three steps to win this olympiad. First, the participants must answer 80 option questions and 10 essay questions, 16 best teams will continue in the semi final session by answering 5 obligatory questions and 20 grabbed questions. The last, only 6 teams that can continue into the grand final session by presenting case study that must be done in 30 minutes only.

ForSEI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta delegate 3 teams to participate in olympiad competition, than three of them can continue in semi final session. And two of three teams success to compete in grand final session. At the last, one teams that consist of M. Khaerul Aziz, Maria Ulfa and Nur Cahyaningsih (they are the students of Islamic Economics Departement of Faculty of Islamic and Economics Business) from ForSEI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta becomes the winner, then UGM as runner up, and UMY in the third winner.
While for others categories, they are the best and facourite poster won by UNY and UGM, then three oration winners are UPN, UGM, and UII. For best essay and best presentation are achieved by STEI Hamfara and UGM.
By this event, we hope that it can improving not only to compete but also to explore and larger our knowledge as students, especially who have concern in Islamic economics field. Wish the students can give the best and contribute actively to develop and implement Islamic economics science for Indonesia in the future.
Lu’liyatul Mutmainah

Cara Mengatasi Virus dengan CMD

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1. Masukkan removable disk ke port USB komputer Anda.
2. Klik tombol “cancel” pada dialog box yang tampil untuk penawaran pembukaan folder atau jangan membuka flashdisk tersebut sama sekali.
3. Klik “Start” pada desktop dan klik tombol “Run.” ketik an”cmd” (tanpa tanda kutip) ke dalam kolom teks “Run” , kemudian tekan enter atau klik ok. Setelah itu akan tampil “Command Prompt.”
4. Ketik nama direktori flasdisk kita setelah itu tekan enter. Sebagai contoh kita ketikkan “G:”, “F:”, dan lain sebagainya tergantung partisi di komputer kita.
5. Ketik “dir / w / a” tekan (tanpa tanda kutip) ke dalam “Command Prompt” dan “Enter.” Tunggulah sampai semua nama file tampil.
6. Cari virus dalam daftar file pada Tampilan tadi. Carilah file dengan nama seperti “Autorun.inf,” “Ravmon.exe,” “New Folder.exe,” “Svchost.exe” atau “Heap41a”, yang merupakan file virus. Atau setiap file exe Yang mungkin mencurigakan file virus. Perogram exe adalah ekstensi dari aplikasi atau software. Bila kita tidak merasa menyimpan aplikasi dengan nama file yang berekstensi exe, maka file tersebut bisa kita curigai sebgai virus.
7. Nonaktifkan semua file dengan mengetikkan “attrib -r -a -s -h *.*” (tanpa tanda kutip) ke dalam “Command Prompt” kemudian tekan ”Enter.”
8. Sekarang kita hapus file yang mencurigakan tadi dengan cara Ketik “del” (tanpa tanda kutip) diikuti oleh nama file pada “Command Prompt” , lalu tekan “Enter.” Contoh : “del namfile.exe”
9. Klik kanan ikon removable disk yang terletak di sudut kanan bawah dari desktop Anda dan pilih “Safely Remove Hardware.”
Selamat mencoba. Oh ya jangan lupa untuk menuliskan kode kode diatas dengan sangat teliti dan benar. Semoga sukses :D